Sunday, April 25, 2010


Memories. They may bless or they may curse, but they may never go away. Not completely. For years, buried leagues below the seas of our forgetfulness, memories suddenly, inexplicably, return like Paradise itself, and when that happens we bask in the pleasure. Often the case is contrary, however. At those times the memories swirl beneath the dark waters like the shadows of circling sharks, or they loom suddenly, as soul-shattering reefs. At the age of 12 T.J. struck one such “reef.”

Sunday, April 18, 2010

CHAPTER FIVE: The Invocation

A touch of white lace graced her neck. Other lace accented the firmness of her upper arms. T.J. adored the sight of her, and though he tried not to let it show, his wife Elizabeth observed all ...